About My Freelance Writing Mentorship Services

Are you looking to start a career as a freelance writer? I'd love to help!

I have been featured in:

Naomi Nakashima, Freelance B2B Ghostwriter who specializes in social media strategy, has been featured in the following online publications (logo collage)

Welcome! I'm so glad you've come to visit my small, cluttered corner of the Internet.

My Mission is to Help You Get Paid to Work from Home as a Freelance Writer

How will I do this?

  • By bringing you time-scheduling tips to help you keep control over your calendar,
  • By providing well-researched learning opportunities and courses designed to teach you how to launch or further your career, and
  • By teaching you ethical, reliable ways of marketing your freelance writing business and drawing in new clients.

My Values

When it comes to working from home as a freelance writer, there is a lot of misinformation available. Innocent miscalculations from well-meaning people trying to help, and even outright lies and scams from people looking to make a quick buck.

I aim to be different.

I'm not going to run you through pages and pages of a sales ad to try to convince you that I can help – I'm going to show you that I can help you by actually helping you.

  1. Actionable content: my goal is to answer your questions, not leave you with more. Wherever applicable, I will give you real tips you can implement right away to start seeing a benefit.
  2. Fewer distractions: I understand the visual appeal of all those fancy fonts and widgets. But when I am looking for an answer, those things tend to get in the way and just make a lot of noise. I want to make sure you get the answers you came here for.
  3. Well-researched answers: Like I said, there is a lot of misinformation out there when it comes to working from home as a freelance writer. And if there's one thing I've learned from my 17 years working as a freelance writer, it's this: even I don't have all the answers. But I'll make sure you do.

I believe transparency is the fastest way to build trust, so I will always tell you exactly what I'm doing and why.

A bit About Me

Naomi D Nakashima, ghostwriter and writing coach, smiling
Naomi Nakashima, Founder Help Me Naomi and The Invisible Author

Help Me Naomi started out as one-half of a blog duo (the other half being The Invisible Author, which housed most of my content that focused specifically on me as a ghostwriter). Now, those two sites have merged and evolved into a blog dedicated to helping new freelance writers enter the field without all the misinformation and backtracking.

A place where you can find actionable advice on how to start working from home as a freelance writer now.

I started this journey in 2002, working as a freelance web developer for Drupal (then the most powerful CMS available). In 2006, my career evolved to include content development and writing. At this time, I would write about anything: if you had a book you wanted to write, I probably bid on your project.

In 2008, I expanded my services again to include book editing and formatting. By 2012, I was ready to quit it all. I was feeling overworked, underpaid, and guess what?

I was!

I was still chasing every freelance writing job that came my way. Then struggle to balance these projects and cry all the way to the finish line.

Everything I Need to Know About Parenting I Learned from Watching Star Trek

I was so done, I quit writing to return to school and received my Master's degree in counseling and human services management… I was done and I was ready for a career change. I even wrote a parenting book that went on to be an Amazon Bestseller – just to solidify that I was getting out of the freelance writing game.

In 2014, my baby girl was born, and she changed my life. Not just by making me a mother, but because telling the story of that whole ordeal renewed my love of writing and my determination to work from home so I could be with her.

Only this time, I was determined to do it right. Ten years as a freelance ghostwriter who made barely enough to scrape by because I was “paying my dues” taught me that being a good writer wasn't enough.

You had to know how to run and grow a freelance writing business.

If you're struggling with how to get started as a freelance writer, then I'm here to help. If you're looking for advice on how to increase your revenue as a writer, then you're in the right place. If you're tired of working so hard to make so little, of not having the freedom to take a vacation, or of biting your tongue just to keep that client from firing you… I'm here for you.

Not just because I am an expert at these things, but because I'm just like you. And I get it.

I've struggled through all those things and I am here to tell you: you don't have to. There is no such thing as “paying your dues” as a freelance writer. You have the skills, you just need to make others see that.

And, oh yea, I'm a geek. And I'm raising geeks. So you may see the occasional frequent reference to Star Trek, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Firefly, and anything else that tickles my geek-bone. You may also see me geek out over the things most people don't normally like to even think about: numbers, technology, research, and more numbers.

Mostly, I'm here to help you launch your writing business, your blog, and/or your book, give you some pointers on how to market your new business, and how to do it all without burning out racing the clock.


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Kindle Formatting Without the Headache

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We will send you updates related to the release and sale of the "Our Bodies, Ungoverned" Anthology as well as other news you might be interested in. Emails may come from either helpmenaomi.com, jessicacage.com, or novelistsden.com.


Anthology Updates

We will send you updates related to the release and sale of the "Our Bodies, Ungoverned" Anthology. Emails may come from either helpmenaomi.com, jessicacage.com, or novelistsden.com.

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