Blogging Tips for Writers

Do you really need a blog to succeed as a freelance writer?

The short answer is “no.” There are plenty of successful freelance writers who don't even have a website much less run and maintain a blog.

But the long answer is “that all depends on the type of freelance writer you want to be and how you want your clients to find you.” Having a blog is a great way to stand out away from the thousands of other freelance writers who all offer the same services and prove why you can do them better.

From the Archives

Freelance Writing Versus Blogging…

Which one is right for you?

My work at home journey has taken many a twist and turn down the path, and I’ve often battled over the choice of freelance writing versus blogging. Which one was better? And why?

Truth be told, I love both but for very different reasons. Both offer flexibility and opportunity for future growth. Either one can be a full-time career or a part-time side hustle. Both are challenging, demanding careers and both can be rewarding. And they often go hand in hand. Unfortunately, most of us just don’t have enough time in the day to do both full-time — so we end up having to make that painful decision. Do we choose to stay with freelance writing? Or do we move over to blogging full-time?

So I’ve put together this list of pros and cons for both freelance writing and blogging so you can compare for yourself and make a choice that’s best for you.

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