Book Marketing

Create a Facebook VIP Group that Rocks blog title overlay

Create a Facebook VIP Group that Rocks (and keep it that way)

Congratulations!! You’ve started writing your nonfiction book, and now you’re ready to hit the rooftops screaming and sharing your love. Love for your book, love for your solutions, love for the mission and values you’re about to carry out. Love. All you need now is to build up your author platform. First stop, Facebook: because […]

Create a Facebook VIP Group that Rocks (and keep it that way) Read More »

Using the Clubhouse App for Writers blog post featured image woman holding cellphone showing Clubhouse App welcome screen

Using the new Clubhouse App for Writers

Can you make the new Clubhouse App work for your writing business? By now, you’ve probably heard of the new social app: the Clubhouse App. It’s a new social app, still in beta, that is sweeping through entrepreneurial spaces because of the potential for networking. When I was first invited to test out Clubhouse, I

Using the new Clubhouse App for Writers Read More »

Is your Newsletter PopUp Destroying your SEOblog featured image with woman typing ona keyboard and email icons floating up

Is your Newsletter PopUp Destroying your SEO?

If you’ve been online anytime in the past two or three years, you’ve probably noticed a growing trend of popup notices on a majority of the sites you visit. Most popular is the newsletter popup. Now, 10-15 years ago, popup notices were primarily ads — and they were annoying. We hated them. I’m not entirely

Is your Newsletter PopUp Destroying your SEO? Read More »


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