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How To Use Tailwind Scheduler and Tribes to save time with Pinterest

For those of you who have been following my blog for awhile, you know that I believe automating some processes can help save yourself a lot of time and sanity. I would never recommend automating an entire channel — that could be disastrous. But Pinterest and Tailwind were made to go together. I’m not even

How To Use Tailwind Scheduler and Tribes to save time with Pinterest Read More »

5 Ways Tailwind can make you a hero on Pinterest (without scheduling a single pin)

5 Ways Tailwind can make you a hero on Pinterest (without scheduling a single pin)

Chances are that unless you’re pinning from under a rock, you’ve heard of Tailwind as a scheduling tool for Pinterest. That is, after all, what it’s known for. However, if you happen to be one of the millions of people out there on Pinterest with no interest in scheduling your pins, then I’m betting you’ve already

5 Ways Tailwind can make you a hero on Pinterest (without scheduling a single pin) Read More »

Woman smiling while working on a laptop computer for the blog post "the importance of social media for freelance ghostwriters"

The Importance of Social Media for Freelance Ghostwriters

In today’s digital age, social media has become an essential tool for freelancers to market and promote their services. As a freelance ghostwriter, having a strong social media presence can help you gain exposure, showcase your writing skills and connect with potential clients from all over the world.  Social media allows you to build a

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Taking the Numbers out of Social Media Followers and Engagement blog featured image with woman on a smartphone in front of a laptop

Taking the Numbers out of Social Media Followers and Engagement

Are you constantly watching your social media followers and engagement rates? As much as we are lovers of words, authors are number-watchers. How many followers do I have? How many books have I sold? How many people have voted on this poll? Did someone just unlike my page?In other words…. Do they love me? What

Taking the Numbers out of Social Media Followers and Engagement Read More »

5 Ridiculous Myths About Social Media Automation blog title overlay

5 Ridiculous Myths about Social Media Automation

Imagine you’re invited to your friend’s house. But when you get there, instead of getting to spend time with your friend, you end up spending time with her cloned robot. Not quite the fun time you had in mind, right? Now imagine you’re out and about, running your errands and basically just adulting your way

5 Ridiculous Myths about Social Media Automation Read More »


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