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Our Bodies, Ungoverned

A Multi-Genre Anthology About Love and Rights

Dozens of authors from different genres participated to bring light to the issues around reproductive rights for all of us.

women's shadowns and silhouettes come together into one superhero

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About This Anthology

2022 will always be remembered as the year the US Supreme Court stripped millions of Americans of their bodily autonomy by overturning Roe vs. Wade. This atrocious act removed the protection these Americans had over their own body, opening them up to potentially harmful legislations based on their local government's political beliefs. This anthology was born out of a need to join the fight to get our reproductive rights back and keep our bodies ungoverned.

Young multiracial people in protective masks attending demonstration on the street. Emotional international group of students wearing face masks, fighting again discrimination, showing clenched fists
When Will the Anthology be Available to Buy?

Pre-order information will be up on Amazon soon, and the book will be available in Summer of 2023.

How does this Anthology help?

100% of the royalties from sales of this anthology will be donated to the Center for Reproductive Rights for the life of this Anthology.


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