Preptober Workbook and Planner

It takes more than just outlining your story to get ready for NaNoWriMo! I've won NaNoWriMo 15 years in a row and was a Municipal Liaison for 4 years and this was the single biggest lesson I learned in all those years: you have to do more to get yourself ready for a writing exercise like NaNoWriMo.

This workbook includes pages to help you build a custom writing schedule that works for you, a writing routine, build self-care into your routine, and develop tools to help refill your creativity cup and motivation should they falter.

I've also included a bonus section with sheets to help you brainstorm some of your ideas for scenes, characters, and even a premise if you want.

Are you a Pantser? Don't worry, this planner is Pantser friendly! I'm not going to force you to put together outlines or anything else that makes you feel restricted.

Happy Preptober!

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