Social Media Marketing for Writers

Social media may have started out as a digital water cooler: a casual place for us to share our stories and connect with our friends and family. But it has since grown into a marketing powerhouse.

No matter which social media platform you choose to focus on, a strong marketing strategy will help attract clients and prospective clients to you – inviting them to engage with your content and form a relationship with you and your brand.

And in a world where people are sick of seeing ads at every turn, those genuine relationships are paving the way to success as writers.

From the Archives

Finally!! Master your Social Media Content Calendar Once and For All

A quick guide for managing content across multiple social channels

Having a social media content calendar is essential to marketing your products or services online. A social media content calendar will help you:

– Post consistently,
– Attract and connect with your audience, and
– Maintain a balance between different types of posts to keep your audience engaged and coming back for more.

But developing that perfect social media content calendar and following through with it is a whole different beast. Let’s face it — things come up. We get busy. And before we know it, we’re just trying to post something — anything — just so we haven’t gone the entire day without talking to our audience.

Must Read Articles About Social Media Marketing for Writers:

5 Steps to Marketing Yourself as a Freelance Writer
5 Steps to Marketing Yourself as a Freelance Writer
What to do when you get Overwhelmed by the Social Media Marketing World blog title
What to do when you get Overwhelmed by the Social Media Marketing World

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