
Book open up on a wooden desk with rolling hills spanning out into the horizon under a bright sun, like a world coming out of a book, for the blog post How to Create a Fictional Culture

How to Create a Fictional Culture: The Ultimate Guide

Fictional cultures are the backbone of the imaginary worlds authors conjure up in their stories. They can make or break a story, as they provide context and depth to the plot. A well-crafted fictional culture can transport readers into a different world, making them feel like they are experiencing something entirely new and exciting. It […]

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Points of View: How to write from the perspective of another gender

No matter what genre you’re writing, if you’re writing fiction chances are at some point in time you have to write from the perspective of another gender. Okay, I grant you there may be some circumstances in which you don’t have to bother with it. Perhaps you’re writing a science fiction or fantasy novel set

Points of View: How to write from the perspective of another gender Read More »

5 Things to Consider when Writing Diversity blog title featured photo group of diverse females

5 Things to Consider when Writing Diversity: Remaining authentic while stretching your horizons

Why is writing diversity so important? For one thing, unless the world you’re building happens to be the most boring world in the, well, world… chances are the world you’re building includes a diverse population. Diversity is the norm. And if you don’t believe me, just look around you. Check out the people in your

5 Things to Consider when Writing Diversity: Remaining authentic while stretching your horizons Read More »


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