NaNoWriMo Survival Guide

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Writing a novel in 30 days? Are we insane? Or just insanely awesome? Perhaps we're both. Either way, this NaNoWriMo Survival Guide will help you get through the month with nary a scratch.

It's finally here! The moment we've all been waiting for!

NaNoWriMo is finally underway. And you're chugging along, banging out words and churning through your ideas like you never have before. And then it happens: you hit a wall.

The wall doesn't have to be a big wall. It can be as small as getting stuck on a name, or complete writer's block. It can be a period of self doubt, or it can be that sudden overwhelm you get when you come back to your story after taking some time off to be with family.

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No matter how much time you spend preparing for NaNoWriMo, it's still a lot of work to get through those 30 days, especially if you're not already someone who writes thousands of words every day.

That's why I've put together this survival guide: to help you get through the most insanely awesome (and insane) 30 days of your writing career: NaNoWriMo. This guide is filled with my best tips to help keep you motivated and writing all month long.

NaNoWriMo Survival Guide

Jumping in last minute and don't know where to start?

Did you jump into NaNoWriMo at the last second (or perhaps after it had already started)? No problem! I've put together a condensed guide specifically for NaNoWriMo prep. Check out my Last Minute NaNoWriMo Prep.

Is your motivation waning?

No matter how much we may love our story idea, our motivation can still come and go as if it has a mind of its own. It doesn't stick with us just because we love our story. If you're having trouble staying motivated, check out this post with 20 Tips to Stay Motivated for NaNoWriMo.

Are you taking care of yourself?

Even some of the best authors out there forget to take care of themselves. But, if you go too long without taking care of yourself properly, you can really mess yourself up. Fatigue and writer's block are just two signs that you need to take a break. Go too long and you could be headed for burnout. To help, here are 10 Tips for Self-Care during NaNoWriMo.

Struggling with trying to find time to write?

Are you overflowing with story ideas and motivation, but can't seem to sit for more than a few minutes to try to get them all written out? Perhaps your other responsibilities (job, family, kids, hunger pains) keep getting in the way? Don't worry – I know you love them, but that doesn't stop them from needing you at the worst times. Check out my Trick to Finding Time to Write.

Have you been struck down with writer's block?

One of the last things you want to happen in the middle of NaNoWriMo: to be struck down with writer's block. To stare at that blinking cursor and no power to move it forward. There are several different forms of writer's block, and you can read about how to End Writer's Block for Good here.

Sometimes, no matter how prepared you think you are for NaNoWriMo, things still come up.

It's impossible to foresee every single obstacle that might pop up and hinder your writing during NaNoWriMo. But the good news is, those sudden intrusions don't have to completely derail you.

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